At the beginning of March 2008 I was surfing the web trying to find a way to stop some of the phone tampering. I still had the land line with the 580-821-2222 number, but I was eager to put the number back on a mobile phone so I didn't have to keep the land line forwarded to the 225-TAXI cell phone.
I saw an advertisement for a company by the name of Credo Mobile and it caught my attention because they had stuff on the Credo website that was talking about fighting illegal wiretaps. Credo's main office is in San Francisco, California and their company donates a portion of what the customer's pay on their phone bill to civil rights groups like the the ACLU, Center for Victims of Torture, etc.
Credo has an office in Atlanta, Georgia also and they even have their own civil rights group called Credo Action. Credo also goes by the name of Working Assets and I thought that I might have finally found a company that could stop some of the phone abuse.
I hit an icon on Credo's website that said click to call and by entering your phone number in a little box then clicking on it with the mouse it called my phone using a company by the name of Estara. I think it was on March 17th, 2008 when I ordered the Credo phones and when I got connected with one of their phone representatives I made sure I told her about some of the things that had happened to my phones.
I asked if it was possible if this same tampering could continue once I put my two business numbers with Credo. I told her that if I even got a phone with a voice mailbox that the voice mails were delayed, erased, or so distorted that it was just absolutely impossible to hear the messages.
We were suppose to receive the Credo phones in three to five business days according to the lady that processed the order on March 17th, but it took 17 days to get them FedEx from a company by the name of Bright Star U.S. in Libertyville, Illinois.
I believe the reason it took so long to receive the phones was because the phones were secretly shipped to Farmers Branch, Texas to a place called Intec Billing Solutions where they were tampered with. After that the phones were shipped to Okla. City where they were put on a truck and shipped FedEx ground to me.
I have quite a few reasons for suspecting this and the first reason is because of the amount of time it took to receive the phones. Is this really a stretch to suspect this considering all the other stuff that can be proven? My biggest question is why would they even want to be so vicious and cruel? It has to be some kind of a game to these people where they're making it a challenge to see how far they can go. It could possibly be an experiment and there's no doubt in my mind that these people are pure evil.
The bill for the Credo mobile phone service came from Farmers Branch, Texas instead of Atlanta, Georgia like all the other Credo bills were coming from and I still have the envelope that the bill came in with a Farmers Branch, Texas zip code. I had trouble with the phones immediately and it was so depressing for it to continue. It was also crazy how I only had the phones for a couple of days and the service was already about to be suspended because the balance was over the limit.
They were showing I owed them $325.00 already and one of the phones had only been activated 2 days. The other phone had only been on for about 5 days and they were doing some of the same nonsense that Sprint had pulled. In fact it reminded me a lot of the way Sprint had done in the Summer of 2007 and the bill was unbelievable high for no reason. I'd call Sprint to set up a deal where I could send a certain amount of money by a certain date, but then a day or two later the service would get cutoff anyway. When I'd call them back there would be no record of me calling in before to set up the payment plan and I just couldn't believe it could be possible to have this many issues.
The bad thing about it was that if the phones got cut off I'd have to pay a big part of the bill in order to get the service back on and I just wasn't making any money. Also there would be no way to port the numbers out to another company until the bill was paid and you're at their mercy since they hold your phone number for ransom until you pay up. I almost fell into this trap with Sprint and I wasn't going to let it happen again. They can add anything they want to on the bill and it's not a good situation when it's being done on purpose.
I starting complaining a lot [videos 3-5] and I was really ticked off that the bill was this much already. They were charging me for a month of service in advance which was never mentioned and it seemed like they were adding on anything they could. Again here's another one of those situations where I really think this was being done intentionally and I felt like I was in danger of not being able to get my numbers away from them before they made the bill so high that I couldn't pay it.
The Credo Mobile service representative that I talked to the first time said that I already owed over $100.00 in roaming charges alone, but I told him that I hadn't even left town one time. Also not only was I getting charged a month in advance, but it was even charging me a prorated portion of the next months bill. Nowhere could I find anything on any of the paperwork or on any of the websites that said anything about this and this seems like a real lousy way to do business.
I don't mind paying a month in advance, but for them to start saying the service is already about to be interrupted after I've only had the phones a few days is absolutely unacceptable. They could have at least waited until a few weeks had passed and I felt like I had been ripped off again. I started complaining to their corporate office and I finally decided that I wanted out. After being with them for about 10 days with my 225-8294 [taxi] number and about 7 days with my 821-2222 [acab] number, I was released from my contract and given a zero balance by Credo. I even got a letter from them saying that I could keep the camera phones and what strange set of events.
Several things point toward the Credo bill coming from a place called Intec Billing Solutions in Farmers Branch, Texas and they also have an office in Atlanta, Georgia that is their main headquarters. No one from Credo could provide any reason why my Credo bill was being mailed out of Texas and several representatives seemed to be stumped by some of this since Credo doesn't have any place in Texas whatsoever.
There's no customer service center, billing center, technical center, or even a retail store that sells any of their products in Texas. I did quite a bit of research on this and I even contacted other Credo customers off of a blog site. There's no doubt in my mind that the bill should have came from Credo's billing center in Atlanta, Georgia and nowhere else.
The only way I finally found out about this Intec Billing Solutions was because my wife and I were trying to look at our Credo Web Bill on their website one day. After we signed up with the Credo Member number on the web site we tried to access the web bill, but it kept saying that we were entering the wrong pass word.
I knew I had the pass word right, but time after time it kept saying it was incorrect so I requested a new pass word. A new pass word came in my wife's email that was from the email address or very close to that and conveniently that email disappeared out of my wife's email a few days later like so many other emails have such as ones from the F.C.C. etc.
I entered the pass word that had came from the Intec Billing email and then it all of a sudden said that a checking account number and routing number had to be entered before it would let the web bill open. At this time a strange object appeared on the computer screen and followed the mouse cursor around.
I asked my wife if she had ever seen anything like it because I was almost computer illiterate at that time. She had quite a bit of experience with computers, but she said she didn't know what it was. I asked my fifteen year old son Dylan to come look at it because he has been a computer whiz since early in his childhood.
He actually won the key boarding and computer literacy award out of all of the 6th grade classes here in the Elk City School and his fingers have always been like magic. I think its because of playing some many video games while he was growing up and when he was in the third grade I bought him a state of the art Dell laptop computer that was almost fifteen hundred dollars.
My son said that he had never seen anything like this object that was on the computer screen and my computer was a pretty good HP desk top. We all agreed that it looked like the cross hairs of a rifle scope if you were looking into the scope while aiming a gun at something. It was almost scary to see this object on the screen and I will never forget what it looked like or how strange it was.
I got a check and started entering the checking account number while this object continued to follow the mouse cursor. My son and wife continued to watch and we were all three fascinated by this unique irritation. After I saw how surprised they were about it I realized that it must be something being done by some people connected to the federal boys and I knew almost nothing about computers at this time.
After all that had went on during the year before this it really wasn't that shocking to have something that weird happening at this point. I wish I would have video taped it because I bet a computer technician somewhere could tell us of some tool that law enforcement or somebody with some high tech equipment has that can so this. A tool used to place something like this on your computer screen to keep you from being able to click your mouse on certain things or be able to stop your keys from registering when you press them just like they had done so many times on my phones.
I really hate to think that's what was going on, but it was definitely the most bizarre thing that I've ever seen on a computer. After I got the account number entered it ask me for the routing number. As soon as I entered the routing number I assumed that we could finally view the web bill and I was curious to see how much we were getting charged for certain things. Surprisingly enough it said the routing number was incorrect and we triple checked everything and reentered the numbers at least a half a dozen times before finally just giving up.
I called customer service but they were already closed and we finally said the heck with it. I'm glad that my wife and son saw it because they're the only ones that I care to prove this to. Both of them have witnessed a lot of weird things with the phones and computers. Honestly what good would it do for me to be able to prove this because the way I see it how can you stop somebody this powerful that has this many tools if their hell bent on tampering with your computers and phones. This story may be the only shot I have and even that may not be enough to stop them as corrupt as things have gotten with law enforcement and the government.
I called Intec Billing Solutions in Farmers Branch, Texas and Atlanta, Georgia quite a few times, but of course it got me nowhere. I found some pretty interesting information on Intec's web site by looking into their business partners and one of their business partners is a company by the name of Sensage in California. Both Sensage and Intec have government partnerships with the F.B.I., National Security Agency, Homeland Security, etc.
story is about what happened in April 2008 when I had Jim Hickman's
phone number on an unregistered Sim card and it's as strange as anything
I can prove out of my entire ordeal. Up until his recent retirement
earlier this year Jim worked on the
radiology equipment at the local hospital for quite a few years and he
probably learned what he knows in the Air Force.
Jim has written several
books and he claims to be an expert on UFO's. The Hickman Report is
just one of his websites and he may have actually climbed off a UFO when
he came to Elk City, lol. Since the beginning of 2007 I've had an
incredible amount of trouble with my phone services including a land line
and every time I ported one of my numbers to another carrier some kind
of twilight zone style problem would occur.
I had to wait on a Sim card to be mailed to me on several occasions and things have been so unbelievably pathetic. The first time I had to wait on a Sim card to come in the mail was in 2007 and it came from a logistics center in Medley, Florida. The Sim card I received in April 2008 came from a place in Wilmington, Ohio by the name of Airborne Logistics and I wish I could find out more about this place. When it first happened in 2007 I had purchased a prepaid Net 10 phone from Walmart and I called their customer service to port my 580-225-TAXI number over.
I had to wait on a Sim card to be mailed to me on several occasions and things have been so unbelievably pathetic. The first time I had to wait on a Sim card to come in the mail was in 2007 and it came from a logistics center in Medley, Florida. The Sim card I received in April 2008 came from a place in Wilmington, Ohio by the name of Airborne Logistics and I wish I could find out more about this place. When it first happened in 2007 I had purchased a prepaid Net 10 phone from Walmart and I called their customer service to port my 580-225-TAXI number over.
When I gave the
person my information the Sim card got damaged because of something the
person on the phone had done. I was told that I was going to have to
wait for them to send me a new Sim card by mail, but I told the person
that I couldn't wait since it was my business phone. So much blatant
disregard was show every step of the way and I should've got what I paid
good money for instead of so many head games.
I told the representative that I needed to speak to a supervisor and when one came on the line I went over what had just happened. I then told him I was going to buy another phone at Walmart so I could get my number activated immediately and he told me that in order to keep the Sim card from getting damaged again that I needed to make it clear to the customer service agent that I was porting a number in from Sprint. I was as nice as I could stand to be and I went for another phone that I had to literally scrape up enough money to buy.
I told the representative that I needed to speak to a supervisor and when one came on the line I went over what had just happened. I then told him I was going to buy another phone at Walmart so I could get my number activated immediately and he told me that in order to keep the Sim card from getting damaged again that I needed to make it clear to the customer service agent that I was porting a number in from Sprint. I was as nice as I could stand to be and I went for another phone that I had to literally scrape up enough money to buy.
After I called back with the
phone I made it crystal clear that I was porting my 580-225-TAXI number
in from Sprint and the representative acted like he had never even heard
of Sprint before. I thought that was a little much to swallow, but I've
seen it all so I proceeded with the port. A few minutes later the same
thing happened to the Sim card again and I have no doubt that it was
absolutely intentional. He told me that I would have to wait on a new
one to come in the mail and I was stunned. Either I was dealing with an
agency that was hijacking me like a serial stalker and impersonating
phone companies or there's people inside these companies who do this
nonsense or both.
About nine months after this was when I got Jim's number on a new unregistered Sim card that had came with a prepaid phone I bought at Walmart and I figured I had to keep switching phone companies since my phones were so tampered with that I couldn't get my phone calls. Once again I was porting the 580-225-TAXI number over and instead of damaging the Sim card this time when I called in to activate the phone I was told right then that a Sim card had to be mailed to me. I asked why I couldn't use the Sim card that came with the phone, but I never could get a reasonable answer.
About nine months after this was when I got Jim's number on a new unregistered Sim card that had came with a prepaid phone I bought at Walmart and I figured I had to keep switching phone companies since my phones were so tampered with that I couldn't get my phone calls. Once again I was porting the 580-225-TAXI number over and instead of damaging the Sim card this time when I called in to activate the phone I was told right then that a Sim card had to be mailed to me. I asked why I couldn't use the Sim card that came with the phone, but I never could get a reasonable answer.
I've always wondered why they
wouldn't let me transfer my existing phone number to these phones and I
know many people that have without having to wait for a Sim card in the
mail. What a violation of my civil liberties and it's intriguing how
they would go this far to control my phones. There wasn't a day that
went by for several years where I didn't have something extraordinary
wrong with at least one of my phones and there's no way they needed to
do all this to simply monitor my phones. I really thought I'd find a
phone expert by now to examine all this so I could find out exactly what
they were doing, but no such luck yet.
When the Sim card arrived in the mail from Wilmington Ohio about a week later I put it in the phone and activated it. I could make and receive phone calls correctly or so it seemed, but I was very aggravated when I noticed the phone didn't even have the option for voice mail like so many of the phones I had been through. I decided to put the Sim card in that came with the phone when I bought it and as soon as I turned the phone on it alerted me that I had messages.
When the Sim card arrived in the mail from Wilmington Ohio about a week later I put it in the phone and activated it. I could make and receive phone calls correctly or so it seemed, but I was very aggravated when I noticed the phone didn't even have the option for voice mail like so many of the phones I had been through. I decided to put the Sim card in that came with the phone when I bought it and as soon as I turned the phone on it alerted me that I had messages.
There were 4 voice messages and several
text messages. I decided to call my 580-821-2222 phone to see what
number came up and I'm glad I had a video camera rolling while I was
doing this. When the call came in it was from the phone number
580-243-9869 and I returned the call to make sure it connected to that
number. Also it was strange how this phone had free text messaging and
nothing is free with Tracfone. I guess Jim was subscribed to Fox News
with this number and I was receiving a lot of text messages that were
late breaking news alerts.
I finally found a phone number for Jim in a 2003 phone book and it listed his address in Elk City off of 7th Street. I called the number listed, but there was no answer so I drove there. No one came to the door after I knocked and I came back to try again several times with the same result. I called a friend that knows a lot of people around here and he said that Jim worked at the hospital and he said he had also written books on UFO's.
I finally found a phone number for Jim in a 2003 phone book and it listed his address in Elk City off of 7th Street. I called the number listed, but there was no answer so I drove there. No one came to the door after I knocked and I came back to try again several times with the same result. I called a friend that knows a lot of people around here and he said that Jim worked at the hospital and he said he had also written books on UFO's.
I called the
hospital to try to get in touch with him and I left messages time after
time. I even left him a hand written message at the main desk with my
phone number and address on it. After many dozens of attempts to call
him and after leaving countless messages on his voice mailbox at the
hospital, I still haven't talked to him one time. I've made at least a
half a dozen trips to the hospital to find him, but it seems like I just
miss him every time conveniently.
I'm certain he's intentionally
avoided me and it seems ridiculous to not at least say something even if
it's just a simple lie. I'm glad I recorded all this on video and I'd
like to get someone that knows about this kind of stuff to examine it if
at all possible. You can watch it and hear his voice mails on video #6 and also video #7 shows the text messages.
Certain equipment allows someone to see right through the walls of your home and another device called an Eagle is used to listen from a long distance. I believe they were using this stuff because they felt as if I was finding out too much too fast. It seems as if they were also wanting to test out their toys and I'm sure they got a lot of high tech devices after 9/11. Microwave weapons are another possibility and I'll get into that at another time. With Jim being a technician that works on radiology equipment it points to him possibly using DEW [direct energy weapons] to target people and it's scary since it's deadly.
Around ten years ago some guy out of Lawton Oklahoma made a fool of our local so called expert on UFO's by exposing him as a fake. I found the 30 second radio clip on this site to be a little entertaining and the guy should've waited until Jim was on the air before he asked the questions so he could've achieved the maximum effect. At the end of this page the guy that put it together talks about some threats that were made and some other kinds of harassment that him and his daughter were subjected to in retaliation for proving the picture was a hoax, etc.
There's no doubt in my mind that Jim has some heavy ties to something very evil and I have a feeling it doesn't have much to do with investigating flying saucers. I challenge anyone to provide a reasonable explanation for how this could happen to my phones without the help of some heavy duty game players and over the last six years I've endured every kind of phone harassment imaginable not to mention all the other terrorism.
This next short story doesn't pertain to my phone abuse, but I think it's interesting. It happened in the Summer of 2008 and I was giving two friends a ride to a bar on the east side of town around midnight. My friend Cliff was riding up front and a girl by the name of Kerry was in the back. Until recently Cliff was one of the assistant managers of Homeland grocery store and he's a really nice guy.
We had just passed the Elk City Civic Center around the intersection at Eastern Avenue going east when out of nowhere a guy came out of the ditch on my left and he was out of balance like he was intoxicated. It happened so fast that I barely had time to swerve to miss him.
It was so close that I may have even grazed him with the side of my van and we all three noticed that he was wearing a Department of Corrections shirt like the ones the D.O.C. workers wear. The D.O.C. work center is only an eighth of a mile or less from there and we figured it was just one of them that had wondered off.
We kept going till we got to the The Palace bar which was only about a half mile away. I dropped Kerry off and Cliff and I drove back to check on the guy. We were headed west on 66 and once we got by the Travelodge we saw that a small car had hit the guy. It looked really bad because the front of the sub compact car was pretty torn up.
An Elk City police officer was already on the scene and the guy was laying in the road. We went on up town to pick another customer up and when we got back there a few minutes later there were at least a half dozen police cars and an ambulance on the scene. They had the road blocked off so we took a right turn on Eastern Ave and pulled over to see if we could tell what was going on.
We couldn't see much so we went on. I phoned the police department and told the dispatcher about almost running over the guy, but she didn't provide any details. About an hour later Cliff and I drove back by there and all the vehicles were gone.
We drove up to the front desk of the Travelodge motel and the clerk at the front desk told us that a police officer had told her the guy was dead. I got a really sick feeling in my stomach because it was almost me that had hit him. We pulled out by the road and got out right where the accident had happened.
There was a huge spot of blood on the road where the guy had been laying and it was circled with red paint. A few feet from there was the word feet also written in red paint and I couldn't help but think that I could have saved the guys life if I would have stopped when I almost ran over him. I wanted to know who this guy was and the next day I called the newspapers.
Neither one knew what had happened to the guy and I told them what I knew. I went back to the scene of the accident and I took pictures of the red paint and huge blood spot in the road. I found a man's shoe on the side of the road and I took it with me to the D.O.C. Work Center to see if I could get some answers.
One of the inmates told me that it would be covered up after I told him what had happened and I asked him why he thought that. He said the city wouldn't want another scandal because of the one with the city manager that had been indited for endangering the D.O.C. workers. He said the inmates had been threatened with longer sentences if they didn't keep quiet about what had happened at the railroad depot.
I left the work center very troubled by what the inmate had told me and I wish I would have went inside the office to ask more questions. I've been warned by several of the inmates over the years not to ask too many questions over there and they said it could be dangerous. There's no question that the D.O.C. workers are used to move narcotics in this town just like the city workers and it one sick setup.
I know plenty of details and it's not as big of a secret as it use to be. Several of the D.O.C. workers got frequent taxi rides with me from the work center on Airport Road to their jobs after the deal was presented to me that involved having all the taxi rides I could do if I didn't call the F.C.C. I called the Elk City Police Station and the hospital after I left the work center, but I couldn't find out anything.
I wanted to give this guy his shoe and curiosity was about to eat me up. Two days later an article appeared in the Elk Citian newspaper. It said that a guy wearing a D.O.C. shirt that had been purchased at a local clothing store had been hit by a car on Highway 66 after leaving the Cadillac Country Club bar on foot and he only had a minor head injury. I couldn't believe it and I've never been able to find out the guys name or anymore details.
This next incident happened on the last Monday of January 2009 and I called the national office of the ACLU in Washington D.C. to complain about our local ACLU in Oklahoma City. At this point I had already filed several complaints with the ACLU and I had called them many times to try to get them to at least ask a few questions about some of the things I was experiencing. They've continued to refuse to respond to the dozens of allegations I've made against over a half a dozen agencies and it's terrifying what the local police did just hours after that call was placed to their national office.
I talked to a lady about a few of the things that have occurred since the beginning of 2007, but she was pretty persistent that there was really nothing she could do. I just wouldn't take no for an answer and I was so distraught that I began crying. I begged her to help me and I pleaded with her to please talk to who ever she could about this nightmare.
I guess I was so pathetic it must have made her really want to help me. She said she would personally talk to several people at the national office where she worked, but couldn't promise anything. I thanked her with all my heart and she must have called someone somewhere that had a little influence. About an hour after the phone call ended I received a call from Chuck Thornton who is the legal director of the ACLU here in Oklahoma.
He said he wanted me to send in another set of complaint forms and he sounded afraid. I told him to mail me another complaint packet and I would be glad to submit the information again. This was around five in the afternoon and after his phone call I laid down to rest for a couple of hours. I felt sick after getting so upset and around seven that evening I got up to have dinner with my mother. After dinner I went to pick up a customer.and I needed to make some money.
As soon as I left my mothers house I noticed that a police car was behind me about three blocks back and I really didn't think much about it at first. For the next couple of hours everywhere I went I saw a police car and I knew the call to Washington D.C. must have got somebody mad. All of a sudden I was real busy and some of the rides were people who had used my service very frequently two years before this after the deal was presented that involved having all the business I could do if I didn't call the F.C.C.
Many of them seemed real nervous as if they knew something was about to happen and several of them grabbed their seat belts before starting to look around especially behind us. Around 10 p.m. I picked up a guy by the name of Derek that is affiliated with the South Side [a local Spanish gang] and I drove him to a house about ten blocks away from where I had picked him up. When I dropped him off a police officer began to tail me about a block behind and continued to do such for about fifteen minutes as I drove around town. He finally disappeared and I got a call from The New Oasis bar to pick up a friend by the name of Alan Hickey.
After I picked Alan up I started driving him to a bar about two miles away and about three blocks before we reached that bar a police car got behind us with his lights lit up. I pulled into the parking lot of the Beckham County Health Department which is right next door to the Elk City Police Department and as soon as I pulled in the parking lot six other police units pulled in behind us.
Alan asked me what I had done and I told him about calling the ACLU in Washington D.C. a few hours earlier about some of the things that had happened. I rolled down the window and the cop that had pulled us over first, Shane McGlothlin, was behind the door of his police car in a tactical stance with his gun pointed toward the door of my side of the van.
He began talking on his loudspeaker system and said "driver reach through the window with both hands and open up the door of the vehicle from the outside." After I did that he instructed me to get out and lift up my shirt then turn all the way around real slow. When I was done doing his dance he told me to lay face down on the ground and as I was complying I asked him what I had done. As soon as I was on the ground I was handcuffed by an officer, lifted to my feet, and placed face down on the hood of one of the police cars.
They started asking me if there were any weapons in the van as an officer frisked me and I told them "absolutely not". As that was going on I could hear the other police officers ordering my customer out of the van, but thankfully he wasn't handcuffed. Again I asked them what was going on, but they wouldn't say and they began searching my van.
It couldn't have been more than a two minute search and I'm certain they weren't even looking for a weapon. Alan told them "it would be a good idea to take the handcuffs off my cab driver and if I were you guys I would relay a message to leave his phones alone." Alan has always been a good friend and one of the police officers was actually his cousin, Justin Hickey.
Before they took the handcuffs off Officer Brett Moore and Shane McGlothlin took turns asking me questions about having a gun earlier that day. Shane said there was a report that came in earlier that day and someone had called the station to say I was waving a gun at people around town. I asked him if they got the report earlier that day then why didn't they try to make contact with me at that time and why was I followed around for several hours? Nobody seemed to have an explanation for this and Shane took the handcuffs off.
Brett started asking me if I was taking Oxycontin or anything else and I told him "no way." I asked him if I looked like I was on anything and he then started asking me if I needed to see a counselor about depression. He said that it wasn't anything to be ashamed of and asked me if I was thinking about hurting myself or anyone else.
I told him the only thing I had the intention of hurting was someones pocket book for committing so many crimes against me, my business, and my family. I then told all of the officers that we should try to find out who reported this to the station so we can get some kind of information about that person and it shouldn't be this easy to make something like this happen. I said that since I've been in business this many years the police should appreciate my service and there's no reason to continue to beat me down this way.
Shane said that they didn't have that information so I told them I was coming into the station to file a complaint about this, but Brett said "no you're not." I said "what do you mean no I'm not" and then Shane said "just get back into your vehicle and go." After Alan and I got back in the van we started discussing the possibility that they were setting the stage in case something real bad had to be done to make me go away.
Another scary thing happened at the end of January 2009, three nights after the ordeal with the seven police officers and I had been calling a few people who are involved in the corruption to see if I could get someone to help with my situation. I was sitting in my van in front of a bar called The Palace around midnight on a Friday when a fight broke out between some guy and several of the security guards from the bar.
The guy ran to his pickup, got a gun, and cycled the slide to load a bullet in the chamber. Another guy came up to my van and said that he needed a ride to Canute so he didn't go to jail. We pulled out of the bar as the police were pulling in and I got on the interstate to Canute without even looking back. He said his cousin was the one that had the gun and he didn't want to be anywhere near him while he was acting so ignorant.
Once we got to Canute I pulled into an old gas station across from the turn to Main Street and I stopped in front. All of a sudden the guy from the bar appeared at the drivers window of my van with a gun that had the hammer back and he was pointing it right in my face. The guy I had with me started yelling at him to put the gun down and he was telling him that I was a taxi driver.
The guy with the gun had a real crazy look in his eyes and I really thought he was about to blow my head off. My passenger got out of the van and ran around to my side where his cousin was. He was still yelling at him and he punched the hand that he was holding the gun with . The gun came out of his cousins hand and hit the ground. They started wrestling on the ground and the guy I had gave the ride to started telling me to take off.
I should have called 911, but I drove off as they continued to wrestle on the ground. Once I left Canute, I drove straight back to the bar where I had picked the guy up and I figured the police would still be there. I started thinking that in order to beat us to Canute the guy must have took the back way by the church and drove at an incredible rate of speed. It was amazing that he made it out of the parking lot and way from the police.
Once I got back to the bar I pulled in front and one of the security guards was outside. He asked me where I took the guy that had got in my van and I told him. I explained what had happened and he went in to get another one of the security guards. When the other guy came out, I asked him why the police weren't still there and he said they were looking for the guy that had the gun.
He asked me where in Canute this had happened and I gave him the location. He said the police would be contacting me because they knew the guy I had given the ride to was related to the guy with the gun. a few seconds later I received a phone call from the owner of the other cab company and she told me she heard it on her police scanner. She said a person on the police scanner also said that I was unwilling to cooperate and she thought it was strange..
I told her what just happened and I also told her the security guards were the only people I had talked to. In my opinion the police would have made contact with me one way or another especially since they knew the guy I gave the ride to knew the guy with the gun. I'm not accusing the police of staging this, but it sure seems fishy. I think since so many strange things like this went on I just started expecting weird stuff to happen.
The closest I've came to getting anything done about this was when I met with a watchdog reporter by the name of Valerie Brown at the Daily Oklahoman in Oct. 2009 and she suggested I call Senator Tom Coburn's office in Oklahoma City.
Craig Smith at Coburn's office seemed really shocked by the details of my situation and he agreed to open an investigation. He sent out privacy release forms that would give them consent to start contacting people on my behalf including the phone companies and I mailed them back certified so he would have to sign for them.
A few days later I received a call from Joni Williams at Coburn's office in Tulsa and she said she was reviewing my info. The next morning I received a phone call from a guy that's considered the muscle for the local mafia and he wanted me to take him to get some breakfast at McDonald's. I've heard a lot of things about this guy over the last three decades and one of my friends has described him as a natural born killer.
On the way to get breakfast he said "Randy have you ever rode in the back of a Lincoln Continental with no inside door handles". I said "Not yet" and he said "You better be careful because you're about to get one". I told him that I wasn't backing down and they might as well go ahead and finish me off.
We got back to his house and his garage door had been opened since we left. He told me to pull my van on up in his garage and come in. I almost said no, but I did it. Before we even got out of my taxi he shut the door down with a remote that was in his shirt pocket and I truly thought my life was over.
We went in to talk for a while and he told me a lot of things including details about the drug task force. He said that I was only getting myself in deeper by calling Coburn's office and I should just forget what has happened. I told him that it's impossible to just forget it because it has devastated everything I've ever worked for. I asked him what he'd do if they did this to his business and he just said "I don't know."
I left his house after about an hour and the next day Joni Williams called from Coburn's office in Tulsa again. She said it was over their head and I should have known not to get in so deep. I told her about the threats I had gotten and I told her it wasn't my fault that these people were committing all these crimes. I got really irritated with her, but I kept my cool.
Before our conversation ended I asked her to please speak to Senator Coburn in person about this and I told her that I felt like I was in danger. I mentioned that I was about to start my 10th year in business and I insisted that the people at her office could put a stop to this terrorism. I tried to make her understand that no business owner in America should have to fight something like this and these people have no right to do more than listen in on my phones.
I've had quite a few threats over the years and a few weeks after this incident the same guy came up to me outside a bar while he was intoxicated. He grabbed my hand and put it on the back pocket of his jeans, then he said "feel that". There was a big knife in his back pocket and I didn't even know what to say to that.
Another time in September of 2007 he approached me at another bar and this was right after I got the two phones with the same phone number. He said something like "you're imagining some of your phone problems" and I told him that I couldn't even get all my phone calls to come to one phone.
I urge you to take a real close look at this story and of course I can't prove everything I'm saying. I'm certain I can prove enough to shock almost anyone and so many unreal phone problems have been documented on video. It's ridiculous how these people have tried to use psychiatry as a silencing and discrediting tool, but they haven't managed to silence or discredit me like they wanted.
I believe the information I've acquired over the last ten years could eventually get me in a really bad bind, but I refuse to give up until some kind of restitution is provided for all the mental anguish we have endured. I'm going to break this story no matter what it takes and I believe as soon as a professionally written statement is ready that it will greatly change the way people absorb the full story.
I want to share something with you that was posted on a facebook group by a person that's familiar with this area and he knows quite a bit about how things work here in Beckham County. I wish more people would come forward to provide information like this and I was delighted to read such an informative statement.
"Why don't people in western Oklahoma line up against the feared District 2 Drug Task Force? These people are literally making money off the misery of others and they are as crooked as any law enforcement agency as you will ever find anywhere. They arrest and search people, places and things sans warrants, without lawful authority, and violate the constitutional rights not just of the accused, but of anyone who stands up to them. The D.A., Dennis Smith, is afraid of them and neither supervises them nor disciplines them when they are caught red-handed. The judges know that task force members are not to be trusted and routinely lie in court, yet they act like they do not. When former District Judge Goodwin tried to do something about this "rogue" law enforcement entity, they circulated a petition to recall him. They will do almost anything to make drug arrests and seizures. The end justifies the means for them.
No out-of-state law enforcement agency has jurisdiction to come to western Oklahoma to investigate a DTF. There are two, possibly three ways to run them out of town on a rail. One, get the Fed's involved. They have jurisdiction and since the DTF's hell bent on violating the civil rights of everybody in western Oklahoma they ought to be highly motivated and well funded. Second, a group, not unlike a group like this, ought to come together, document their abusive practices and sue them. DTFs can, and this one should be, sued in state or federal court, by anybody they run over with their Nazi era practices. But that requires money. Last, the Oklahoma Attorney General has the legal authority to reel them in. Only problem is that the current occupant cares more about federal issues, like Obamacare, than he does about Oklahomans and Oklahoma. Those are the only ways to get the District 2 Drug Task Force all the process that they are due.
R.C. Daniels is not only resigned, he was never the main problem. The main problem is, and always has been, Lary Damron. He is the main crook (formerly a widely discredited F.B.I. Agent. He is the one who taught the others how to skate and get around state and federal law so that they exist just over the line of lawlessness. Damron, and no other, did that. R.C. Daniels used to be an honest law enforcement officer in Custer County, I.e., Deputy Sheriff. Damron taught Daniels, not the other way around. Damron, though he too claims to be "retired" too, is the sine qua non of the crooked DTF. he formed them and served as their Director until he left last year. He is at risk of going to federal prison. Daniels has been gone long enough that the statute of limitations has likely run on all his criminal misconduct.
Damron enjoys an in with some people within the bureau. Less so inside the federal courthouse and inside the United States Attorney's office. He also enjoys a lot of baggage there as well. There is an expression: so and so "pulled a Damron," eg., usually an end around the law, oppressive practice or created a legal mess. I still remember him testifying under oath in Okla. City before then United States District Judge Ralph G. Thompson that he did not know it was a state, or city, crime to jump over D.C. Thomas' back fence and trespass into his back yard in order to illegally attempt to serve a hearing subpoena!!! Only a fool or a liar would claim to have believed him then, or now. He is prone to big lies, dirty tricks and believes drug offenses should be treated the same as violent crimes. In furtherance of his goals, he believes the ends justify his means.
Until he and his ilk are stopped, hundreds of lives will continue to be destroyed by narrow minded people with badges and guns who believe they are above the law and that they alone define what is legal and what is not; and, they will continue to suck forfeitures (assets and $$$) out of western Oklahoma like a buzzard sucking guts out of a rodent. They brag about how much they forfeit!! It is how they survive and why they have a financial incentive to arrest your sons and daughters any way they can make it stick. They are financially incentivized cops!!! Getting the arrests and forfeitures means more to them doing the right thing. And, this is the scariest part of it, they are accountable to no one because that is the way, as a practical and legal matter, Damron set it up."
I haven't decided what kind of an ending I'm going to put on this story yet and I ready to get it finished. I should name names and tell the whole thing. It's a really hard decision to make and I'm trying to leave room for them to fix part of what they've destroyed. I think it's stupid for these people to risk the chance that I could add the kind of information that is at the very least potentially embarrassing and a little bit of money would fix part of what they've done.
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